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Tell the truth!


New Member
Tell the truth.....how many of you have gone to a reptile show, bought something you didn't plan on ( or wasn't supposed to ) and lied to your husband,wife or parents about how much it cost or why you just HAD to have it?
What did you get and what was your story? I'm looking for some good ideas!:-/

Dana C

1. I adopted the poor thing. I had to pay a small re-homing fee to save him.

2. He chose me.

3. The current owner was desperate to get rid of him. What else could I do?

4. I have decided to begin a Tegu research project hoping to add to the breadth of knowledge about them and sell the paper I write to academia.
Of course I have to have a subject to study.

5. I was afraid that he would be "put down" if I didn't take him. You should be proud of me.

6. He and his kind are facing extinction. Hopefully I can propagate the species and restore the wild population.

7. Honey, I got you a surprise. I know you get lonely when I am not around so I bought you a friend that doesn't bark.

The fine print: All of the above assumes a certain level of gullibility on the part of your wife, mother, girl friend etc. It also assumes that they don't know anything about the critter you just brought home.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Man I told so many lies to get pets hehehe(mostly to my mom when staying with her) like ny red tegu I paid "$20" for, the kingsnake I found in the park, the iguana that was never in my bedroom lol the list goes on


New Member
Haha! Brings back some good memories! I think I have used every one except Danas #6. that one is absolutely classic! "Propagate the species"......can't believe I never thought of that one.
And Reptastics $20 red tegus....I think I've owned a few of those back in the day!


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I have used "it was a bargin before." Truth being when I was really into reptiles I had so many my mom didn't know what I did and didn't have. So my normal response was "oh those, I've had them for ever, remember that trade I did."


New Member
Grendel said:
Caiman lizard, it's been a month and my wife still does not know

Ha! Good luck with that.
TegusRawsome80 said:
Nah, my parents are pretty chill with it and my mom's very into animals and totally supportive.

That's great for you. I hope you take good care of her on Mothers Day!


New Member
HAHA i thnk i liked chelvis's the most. For me when i was younger my mom never went into my room so she never knew what i had she just knew i had reptiles and she did not want to touch them dont know about your guys mom but mine is scared of reptiles the only reason she put up with them being in the house was for me.
In order to do most constructive things at my dwelling I never talk to my mother about such things like reptiles. She doesn't even approve of the tadpole i'm raising, let alone a Colombian. Many of times I've fibbed so my father wouldn't receive an earful from my mom. "Are you sure that's what your tegot lizard needs?" but the smaller the amount of details I tell her the better. My dad doesn't have a problem with my plans to keep a Tegu, but I guess since my mom doesn't understand what Tegus are she isn't too warm the idea of it. I'll have to give her time.


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5 Year Member
I should mention that my mom is super supportive of my hobby. When i moved into a dorm she took care of 30 leos that I just counldn't part with. When I moved to Arkansas for a job and couldn't take the reptile she looked after Bosco for 6 7 months, even bought his food when my back stock ran out. Now she is letting them crash in my old room while I slowly try to find a new place to live that can support the electricity needed for my pets. Its been a few months now... and a few escapes and yet she does not mind them being there. So I can't really complain. My ex on the other hand hated the reptiles like no other, lol.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
I was allergic to dogs as a kid and my dad is super-allergic to cats, so reptiles were the only pets I could have. Until I was 13 and we finally got a dog, the only furry pet I had ever owned was a large pink-toed tarantula named Martina. Where most "typical" families grow up with dogs, cats, and hamsters, mine had lizards and snakes. My animals have always been considered family pets and fortunately we have enough money to provide them with proper love and care.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
My mom didn't mind some of the animals, in fact she likes to brag at work abount the lizards I have lol, , its justif she actually found out what I paid for some of them she might have a heart attack lol, I havnt had to use the it dosnt really exist in my room since I was 15 and was breeding mice and a pair of rats


San Luis Obispo, CA
My mother made me sell my bearded dragon breeders, she said she " suggested" it, but it was a complete command! Lol. When she saw how sad I was about selling them, I saw the opportunity to get back into the game with a tegu! I don't think she realized just how much I loved my repyiles until I left for college.


New Member
Lol the first reptile i ever got was a baby alligator in 10th grade and when i asked for a reptile i told her it was gonna be a small water lizard since she hated snakes so eventually a week or so after my birthday while she was at work i got my baby gator and when she came in and saw it she had a fit lol but hey she never asked what kind of water lizard eventually she made me get rid of him promising to get me a tegu since i loved that little guy so much and btw my mother hates reptiles so she changed her mind and I saw a dwarf retic on craigslist that i HAD to get and it was still a "baby" only 3 ft so i convinced her somehow to let me get it and once i got it found out it was actually 6 feet haha after that i managed to get 6 more snakes and kept them secret from her for a couple months including 2 baby tiger retics.. Then one escaped and thats how she knew i had about 6 snakes and i had to give them to my cousin but i managed to get 2 tegus that wont ever leave my home again since they are like my puppies, Plus if they go I go :)


New Member
chelvis said:
I have used "it was a bargin before." Truth being when I was really into reptiles I had so many my mom didn't know what I did and didn't have. So my normal response was "oh those, I've had them for ever, remember that trade I did."

Lol. I used that one yesterday with my wife! "honestly honey.....I've had that 2ft red tegu for the longest time"

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