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The difference between?


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5 Year Member
Hey guys I didn't see a forum for the golden tegu and was just wondering what the difference is between them and the A. black and white tegu? I know the goldens are gold/yellow of course and the goldens are smaller but is there any other big differences? Is the golden more aggressive and harder to tame or what?

Amanda :rasp


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5 Year Member
Golden Tegus are Columbian Tegus... The folder for them is named Columbian Tegus.

General consensus is they are much more 'flighty', more aggressive and much harder to tame.

I bought a young/small one when I was a kid (20 years ago) and it was incredibly aggressive. Both towards me as well as other animals. It was far to aggressive to keep therefore I returned it to the store where I got it.

Most, if not all, are wild caught which likely contributes to it's flighty/aggressive nature. Also being a smaller animal they are 'wired' to be cautious as they are more commonly viewed as prey in nature.

But on the bright side, there are some people who have been able to hand tame their Columbian Tegus. It's just much more involved than with Arg Tegus. I also do not think all Col Tegus are tamable...

After my single experience with them, I wouldn't suggest anyone get one and if they choose to anyway I'd highly recommend searching out a captive born one (if possible) or at the very least select the lizard personally only after handling it.

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