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In an unfenced area i do like to have my tegu on a leash. I trust him in a controlled enviroment but considering i never know what might come about i perfer to pervent any heart ach from losing my tegu outside.
in my case it really depended on the individual tegu, i prefered not to use a harness with any of them, but only 2 of them could be trusted outside with out one, so the other 2 always had a harness on when outside.
I'm sure once he gets bigger i wont need one I am in a 3 acre cove of open area so I think it would be okay to let him free beside me but I'm worried I'll see some burst of speed I never expected.
it took a lot of work with getting my first tegu nero calm enough to trust me once outside and getting her used to being outside, but i think the hardest part was once she started going out on the regular lol getting her back inside became a pain especially once she got really big.
I took mine outside for the first time last Saturday and we had agreat time laying in the sun. But Boy Howdy she pithced a fit when I carried her back into the house.
I take Link out all the time. I didn't used to use a harness, but then when I took him to a local park a few times, one day he decided he was going to start running like crazy. So now I take him out on a harness all the time. He usually spends most of his time on my shoulder unless we go to a park. Everyone who meets him thinks seeing a lizard on a leash is one of the oddest things they've ever seen, but it works I've got him on one of the T-Rex harnesses.
i recommend a harness. eventho i've had my boy 4 yrs & only seen him run once. but it's better beign safe than sorry. they can run pretty fast if they want to. and if they make a mad dash for some bushes u just might not find em again. so depending on where ya hav your gu when you're out i'd say have a harness & leash handy just in case.