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New Member
I personally didnt like gravel because my babies could have eaten some. If its really fine thats...ok i guess but i liked big gravel that they couldnt eat but clean up was a little harder but its all preferences. Sick tank, how tall is it? At first i was alittle iffy about this topic but if i must say, you are doing afine job.


New Member
Grendel said:
You are not impressing me with you name calling. I too can curse with best of them, and am not "speechless" because "you put me in your place" by spewing out middle-school level drivel.

Why do you have "speechless" and "you put me in your place" in inverted commas? that implies that you are quoting me so I'd love to know who you are quoting because it sure as hell wasn't me who said that, I think if you look back on all the posts it was actually you who said "Speechless" and I have no idea whatsoever where you got "you put me in your place" from because I never said that either....

MrNiceGuy736u said:
I personally didnt like gravel because my babies could have eaten some. If its really fine thats...ok i guess but i liked big gravel that they couldnt eat but clean up was a little harder but its all preferences. Sick tank, how tall is it? At first i was alittle iffy about this topic but if i must say, you are doing afine job.

The tank is 3.5 foot wide and 1.5 foot tall, short of building her a pond thats the best I can do, altogether it's cost me over €200 this week for the tank, the heat lamp, the UV light, the filter, the gravel and her food all for a turtle I never actually chose as a pet but she lives here now so I have no real choice because I won't be taking certain other peoples advice on here and sending her into the wild to die.

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