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Trio of babies


New Member
Larry, Moe, and Curly, no thats not their names, I want to wait to name them after they are sexed. Note the one that has two tails growing, it got cut somehow a few weeks ago but not all the way, so it did not come off but it seems another tail started to grow as well. I don't know how it got cut, maybe the newspaper on the bottom of the cage when I first got them, or one of the other babies.


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5 Year Member
They look good. Interesting yours will eat worms- mine wont go for them. They prefer crickets and roaches for the most part.

Maybe I'll offer them some worms again and see if they change their minds lol


5 Year Member
Here's a crummy iphone pic I took last ngiht of my one that's coloring up the most.
The others are still rather dull.
This one looks female as of now, but they're still quite young



New Member
Looking nice and green Kevin. I been trying a lot of things for them to eat, but their main diet is crickets and med. superworms. The first time I gave them the worms they went crazy for them, but the last time they were not really to interested in them. I have a small colony of dubia roaches, so I don't have a lot of the size they need, but they are eating them also. I gave them wax worms today, and also a little Gerber baby food and canned kitten ground turkey which they lap at a little and thats about it.


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5 Year Member
I throw fruit in the enclosure with mine, but they ignore it still- it's mostly for the loose insects to eat.

Since I have brought mine indoors because a month or two of very cool weather they have been eating like pigs. While they were outside they werent eating much and weren't growing much.

But now they are skyrocketing!! Wish it were warmer where I lived.
I have a good month or two to continue to stuff them and then I'll get ready for hibernation.

Some european keepers have told me if I dont hibernate them the first season they may have difficulties when adults doing so.

Since I have every intention of breeding them might as well give it a go.

here's a group shot from about 20 minutes ago



New Member
Kevin, they all look good, and in a nice terrarium, you use only topsoil as a base, right? It looks like it might be easier to keep clean and tidy, I bought a 4' X 2' X 15.5" and use topsoil and sand mix in Spots cage, my adult male, and when he digs it goes everywhere. When they hibernate what temp should it be, and can it be done inside, if so how do you maintain the temperature, is it the same as with tegus?


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5 Year Member
Hi Mark,

Spot is impressive. I can't wait for me lepidus to attain adult size!

The soil i use is this

Al natural'

The terrarium I have the 4 juvieniles in is 4' x 2' x 3.
I will be obtaining a couple more screen enclosures over the winter to house them when they come out of brumation larger than the 3' x 1.5 x 1.5 all of them were housed in before bringing them indoors.

As for hibernation technique I have 2 options:

Hibernate them outside in which my main "fear" is that my temps wont get low enough in my climate to where the would use fat reserves yet still be too cold to feed.

My other option is to use a mini fridge in which I can keep my lacertas (not just the jeweleds but also lacerta agilis as well as the podarcis sicula campestris) in temperatures ranging from 45-55f.

I will do the mini fridge at the very least for the lacerta agilis.

I have been told by european keepers that the lepidus should be able to brumate outside in my climate easily. so not sure yet, since they are housed indoors at the moment.

The Podarcis in my climate I have no concern about.

I think my issue/worry with the jeweleds is my luck with them in the past where continusly being sent sick animals as replacements for sick ones.

Though I had kept them outdoors since day 1,up until a few weeks ago.
They were doing great just the unusually cool summer slowed down their progress for me in regards to their size/growth rate.

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