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Seeing how you're in TN I'd say they do sell them locally, likely at a sporting supply store. Hunters use them to keep warm. You should be able to get some there.

Wow! Rick charged you $250 for a "white head" phase, normal B&W? Sounds like he took you for a ride! No, offense.

I was hoping it was a blue maybe. I can't justify getting anything without a mate to it and I need another blue. Good luck to you!

On the USPS thing, we did get next day guarantee(DaveDragon and I each way) when we traded lizards but seeing it was about 2200 miles in either direction it did not get here in time but my noon the day after guaranteed. SO we got free shipping! Only thing is on that I would suggest strongly to have a 60 hour heat pack. The ones that Dave shipped me were still 85 degrees like 5 days after I got it and it had already been just over 2 days since activated!
