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Updated pics of all my guys and girls


Re: RE: Updated pics of all my guys and girls

TegusRawsome80 said:
Setup sounds good. To be honest with you it will need a bigger cage once adult but that setup sounds great. Only a couple of changes. One is possibly some more hides, preferably some of those hollowed out logs laid in a vertical/sideways position so that they can hide in that. Just give it a ton of options. The only other suggestion I have is not ecoearth. Some kind of silty dirt. Like sandy dirt. A lot of monitor keepers go out and find it near them and just dig a ton of it up and bring to their houses. I would suggest this route.

Does it hold humidity well?.. Im planning to build an outside enclosure. The top of the cage Will be the hot zone. She'll have one halogen bulb on a shelf or a branch. The ill a 40 or 50 gallon breeder top as the bottom so it'll drain the water when it rains. The top Will have chicken wire or one of those green nets. The sides Will be wood with vents in them and the front Will have a swing out door. How does that sound?.. I really wanna use the sun to my advantage. I tested their body today with my temp gun after basking in the sun for about 3 hours and it was close to 109F.. Ill also put two foggers one on each side of the cage to keep the bottom cool and humid.. Sound good?..

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Steven. said:
TegusRawsome80 said:
Setup sounds good. To be honest with you it will need a bigger cage once adult but that setup sounds great. Only a couple of changes. One is possibly some more hides, preferably some of those hollowed out logs laid in a vertical/sideways position so that they can hide in that. Just give it a ton of options. The only other suggestion I have is not ecoearth. Some kind of silty dirt. Like sandy dirt. A lot of monitor keepers go out and find it near them and just dig a ton of it up and bring to their houses. I would suggest this route.

Does it hold humidity well?.. Im planning to build an outside enclosure. The top of the cage Will be the hot zone. She'll have one halogen bulb on a shelf or a branch. Then ill use a 40 or 50 gallon breeder top as the bottom or something with that type of mesh.. so it'll drain the water when it rains. The top Will have chicken wire or one of those green nets. The sides Will be wood with vents in them and the front Will have a swing out door. How does that sound?.. I really wanna use the sun to my advantage. I tested their body today with my temp gun after basking in the sun for about 3 hours and it was close to 109F.. Ill also put two foggers one on each side of the cage to keep the bottom cool and humid.. Sound good?..

sent from my phone to your eyes

sent from my phone to your eyes


Just go to your local Lowes or home Depot and buy organic topsoil and play sand. I filled my 7x4 with about 4" deep on the hot side, 6-8" on the cool side. Used 350 lbs of sand and 560 lbs of dirt. Next time I'll be using more like 300 lbs of sand and maybe 600 dirt. Be sure to sift through the dirt. I found a small piece of glass sifting the other day. Wasn't too happy but not much you can do. I spent $65 on the dirt and sand, but had about $20 of sand left over.


New Member
Idk about digging up that much dirt unless you happen to have a monster property but instead of that some top soil mixed with play sand will work. Might not be as cheap as digging your own but it's an option.

Wow got ninjad on the post


Active Member
5 Year Member
That would work too except you honestly want at least 12 or 18 inches in a few spots. Are you going to be able to consistently achieve good temps there? Cool side of 75?

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