i have walked in on my tegu upside down twice. the first time my reaction was that she was dead, but when i went to examine her she started to move. the second time just happen as i got home from work and walked into my reptile room, there she was in the corner of her cage upside down again. she was breathing and flickering her tongue like she would if she was up right. she obviously isnt hibernating this year, and has slowed down quite a bit, not eating too much of anything lately. i took her to the vet the first time i found her upside down for a check up, he felt she looked fine, beautiful skin and is shedding regularly. his suggestion was to either get blood work, throw her on some medication, or just monitor her because he felt there was nothing clearly wrong with her. i decided to monitor her. any ideas on why she might be ending up on her back?
sorry if that post wasnt too clear, im in a rush to go coach.
sorry if that post wasnt too clear, im in a rush to go coach.