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im going to be building an enclosure for my dumerils out of melamine. i want to heat it with flexwatt. should i put the flexwatt inside of the enclosure or underneath of it on the outside of the melamine?
I know its been quite a while since this thread was made but I wouldn't put the flexwatt under the melamine because, although I don't doubt the tape could heat up enough to warm the melamine it would be extremely inefficient and a fire hazard. I would put it inside the enclosure but protect it. I have seen people put ceramic tile over the tape and also used glass as a barrier between the living area and the tape.
I wouldn't use flexwatt at all! The heat would be trapped under the substrate, make a very warm spot on the bottom, which would be a burn hazard for your Tegu.
I use halogen bulbs (big flood lights). Halogens put out about twice as much heat as an incandescent bulb. I use guarded 45W or 50W halogens about 8" from the Tegu's basking spot (measured from his back not the basking surface). Check with a TempGun to be sure.