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To be honest I don't think anyone can tell you the exact amount The usual MVB (Mercury Vapor Bulb) produces on average 250 uW/cm2 ( I think!) anything higher then that and it becomes very dangerous and the animal can get photoconjunctivites (spelling?) It's where the animal refuses to open its eyes because it hurts them to much, and it does require immediate vet attention to my knowledge.
I would say stay in the range of 50-200 uW/cm2 though for your bulb.
Here is a link that might help you out. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.uvguide.co.uk/whatreptilesneed.htm">http://www.uvguide.co.uk/whatreptilesneed.htm</a><!-- m -->
I believe microwatts is referring to the output of the bulb, is that correct? PinkPunisher, you are referring to the wavelength frequency contained within light. Then some bulbs report their output in a percentage format (8.0, 10.0).
If you are looking at 25 microwatts, are you using a coiled or compact bulb? I would be cautious, as they have been inferior in the past. They either put out only UVA, or cross over and emit UVC as well. That is what leads to photo-kerato-conjunctivitis. Basically, UVC destroys cell DNA and causes skin cell damage and damge to the eyes as well. nasty, nasty stuff.