Hi everyone, this is my first post on the forum. I only found out about tegus a week ago and have been trying to learn as much as I can ever since. I want to get an Argentine B&W or a chacoan giant. But, I want to make sure that this is a good pet for me and that I will be able to provide it with the conditions to have a long happy life. I have some questions that I have not been able to answer myself and was hoping u could help me. I know that I will build a cage at least 6x3 or 8x3 for a b&w. Is this satisfactory or does it need to be larger? Would an extreme giant need more room than this or would that be OK? I would keep it in my reptile room with a temp of 80-83 and humidity of 60. Is this OK? How hot does the hot spot need to be? I've seen everything from 90-110!? Also, do you have a feeding schedule u put your tegu on? I.e. x on Monday y on Wednesday and z on Friday repeated every week for life? The more specific you can be the better. My fiance also has a cat and I was wondering if their was a good way to introduce the two? I know that it can be sketchy having two different animal species together and to never leave them unsupervised. How do they do with kids? Both young and old? I don't have any now but want some in the future. Does anyone let their tegu roam their house/a specific room or do you keep them caged up until u are home to be with them to let them explore? How do u teach your tegu not to do something? Has anyone ever potty trained a tegu? That's everything I can think of up to now. I'm sure I'll come up with more later. Any and all info you can give will be greatly appreciated. If their is anything u think a newbie should know please tell me. Anything u wish u would have known before u got your first tegu? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and for your responses.