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We're selling at the White Plains reptile show!!


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A friend of ours got us half a table at the White Plains NY reptile show on Sunday!! We'll be bringing 9 or 10 Blue Tegu hatchlings, our 18 month old female B&W Arg. Tegu (we need the room), 3 Bearded Dragons and the guy at the pet store asked if we would bring his yellow Ackie (he needs room too).

Our male Blue Tegu (the father of the hatchlings) will be there to draw a crowd. The female is much better looking but we don't dare risk anything happening to her.

I don't know where we'll be but I'll be wearing a black Tegu-talk t-shirt & Tegu-talk cap.

Puffy - will you be coming??


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RehabRalphy said:
Sniff sniff, never offered us a chance to buy those beardies ;)
But this is a Tegu forum! I figured BD's are hard to sell because there are so many out there. I figured it's best to see them in person.


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dave how big are the BDs and how do they act and do u know what the price will be on sunday. cuz thats what im going there to look for.


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Sorry Dave, I will not be making this one. I am going to be going to the Hamburg show the following weekend.


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shabazz said:
dave how big are the BDs and how do they act and do u know what the price will be on sunday. cuz thats what im going there to look for.
They just got out of bath.

They are 5.5 months old. Hypo/Sandfire x German Giant. Dragon Den bloodline. The biggest is 220g & 16", The others are 13.5" long & 175G and 135g.
They like to hang out on us. The price will be determined when our friend sees them and gives us her opinion (she breeds them).


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PuffDragon said:
Sorry Dave, I will not be making this one. I am going to be going to the Hamburg show the following weekend.
We'd like to go to that one again, like now when it's cooler. We'll NEVER go there in the summer again! Maybe in the spring.


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ashesc212 said:
How'd the show go?
We bought the Ackie (female) we were given to sell and bought a Red Ackie (male) at the show. I just finished setting up a 40G tank for them until I can build something bigger. I mixed topsoil & sand for the substrate. We're still waiting for it to warm up some. I hope they get along!

We sold the (3) Bearded Dragons we brought. We sold our 18 month old female B&W Tegu; that was tough to see her go but we need the room. We sold (2) Blue Tegu hatchlings and gave out info and may sell a couple more. Unfortunately someone stole one! Next time I'll have a hinged display case so it won't happen again.

We talked to shabazz, BOOSTFEEN, Azaleah, and a couple who I can't remember their names.

It was a long day but overall we had a great time!!


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Wow. That is truly terrible that someone would just take one. My question is how they got it out of there without being noticed and without it squirming away. I'm sorry that happened to you after all the hard work you have put into these hatchlings.

Good luck with the Ackies.


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ashesc212 said:
Wow. That is truly terrible that someone would just take one. My question is how they got it out of there without being noticed and without it squirming away. I'm sorry that happened to you after all the hard work you have put into these hatchlings.

Good luck with the Ackies.
They were in deli cups. We'd take one out once in a while to show someone or to change their paper towel when they made a mess.

I'll be better prepared next time so it'll be alot harder to take one. Each one has a sticker with my name, email & this site. I'm sure the person who took it is reading this. Our Taekwondo training would certainly help take down & subdue anyone if I had caught him.


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LoL. I hope you do take them down next time. Put the video up here to warn future predators . . .

I also hope the person who stole one didn't do it entirely by accident. I walk around those shows with so MANY cups I've been known to leave one a time or two and have to go back hrs later and pray that the table people found and held it. So I can see someone as scatterbrained as I am accidentally leaving a table with one too many (vs my scatterbrained one too few)

Tis easy to get out tho. Deli cups everywhere, who's gonna notice someone with a deli-cup? Now if they can sneak the 18 month old out without someone seeing, THAT is someone I would be honored to meet (they'd have to be a genius!) But hatchlings? I wouldn't have the slightest clue if I'd been standing right next to him.

If you've still got those blues in a month or two, we'll have to see if we can make a deal. Right now I'm filled out, but we're hoping to be in a bigger place by spring, and what's the point of more space if it isn't more animals?!



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starksark said:
LoL. I hope you do take them down next time. Put the video up here to warn future predators . . .

I also hope the person who stole one didn't do it entirely by accident. I walk around those shows with so MANY cups I've been known to leave one a time or two and have to go back hrs later and pray that the table people found and held it. So I can see someone as scatterbrained as I am accidentally leaving a table with one too many (vs my scatterbrained one too few)

Tis easy to get out tho. Deli cups everywhere, who's gonna notice someone with a deli-cup? Now if they can sneak the 18 month old out without someone seeing, THAT is someone I would be honored to meet (they'd have to be a genius!) But hatchlings? I wouldn't have the slightest clue if I'd been standing right next to him.

If you've still got those blues in a month or two, we'll have to see if we can make a deal. Right now I'm filled out, but we're hoping to be in a bigger place by spring, and what's the point of more space if it isn't more animals?!


Hi Crystal. Welcome to the board. The beardies in your avatar are beautiful! :)


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starksark said:
I also hope the person who stole one didn't do it entirely by accident.

If you've still got those blues in a month or two, we'll have to see if we can make a deal. Right now I'm filled out, but we're hoping to be in a bigger place by spring, and what's the point of more space if it isn't more animals?!

I saw the hand come between 2 people. You get numb to it after a while. But it never came back.

We'll be at the White Plains show on 1/25/09 and may have to wholesale them after that, we're running out of room. We'll see what happens.

Are you in the NYC area?


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You'd be surprised what's in our area when it comes to new babies. :D We're in NC for now, possibly back home to Alabama soon, but have been to NH, MA, TX (2x), AL (2x), NY, NJ, SC, etc since last fall, so when I'm motivated . . . :D Besides, we're hoping to be doing a few shows this spring ourselves (drowning in Phelsuma babies at the moment, those gorgeous beardies should be expecting soon), so who knows where we'll be.

Thank you for the beardie compliments. Fred and Nim are two of my prides. You'd never be able to tell from my apartment that it was only 4 years ago that my personal motto was "I love anything with fur". How two beardies and one frog became this zoo . . . It's all Fred's fault. He was just too cute!!!! :D So now it's "I love anything that doesn't have antennai." And I think THAT one will last.


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