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Hi there. I’m currently in the throes of researching every obscure detail about tegus and their care that I can get my hands on. Once the 8x4x4 enclosure arrives and the setup is perfect I’m leaning toward purchasing a baby blue or black and white tegu (if anyone has a recommendation there it would be welcomed as well). While I’d love to start the taming process as early as possible, I was wondering what the minimum age a baby tegu should be before being sold (and potentially shipped)? And is there an ideal age to purchase a baby? Example: with some reptiles it’s advised to wait until they’re closer to the juvenile stage and have gotten past the “fragile” period. I want the end result to be a tegu that’s a calm, sociable, and tame adult and am willing to put in a lot of time and effort to achieve this. Is there a “sweet spot” age to begin the taming process and what should the minimum age of a baby tegu be before being sold? Thanks and I’m excited to hear firsthand perspectives from people that have been through this process from infancy to adulthood.
