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I am going to get black and white argentine tegu. I am going to feed him mealworms, superworms, crickets, and eventually pinkies. What fruits and veggies should he be eating.
Welcome to the site,..Smile take this to read up and learn as much as you can on your soon to be new addition. The Tegu Article section,.. has a lot of need to know info over there. This thread is a great place to start;
trust me your new little gu isn't guna work out how you think he/she will i thought the same and still think what all should i feed him i was thinking the same super worms crickets mealworms etc but i quickly found out my little gu dont like worms at all so now its everyday giving him something new to try out anything i can think of that a hungry lizzard would like but good luck try new things every little gu is different if u need help PM me or there's plenty of people on this site willing to help