maxzilla hasnt eaten in 4 days now.... i been offereing her a huge variety of food in her bin and about a week ago she turned down everything cept a mouse.... then the next day she turned down turkey so i gave her another mouse and she immediately ate it.... next day she turned down beef liver chicken liver eggs so i gave her a hairless rat and she immediately annihilated it.... next day she turns down turkey... next day she turns down ground beef , strawberries and bananas ... next day she turns down turkey or ground beef... then today she turns down turkey again and ground beef again... i left her in the bin almost a hour and she didnt touch the food.... so i put her back on her rock and just for a experiment i put a chunk of ground beef next to her and within 3 seconds she ate the whole thing.... what do u guys think i shoul do? by the way my new red tegu behaves 100 percent normal compared to maxzilla... he eats in the bin immediately as soon as hes put in there he goes to town on anything i offer him.... he also lets me hold em now and hes very very active.... what u guys think about feeding in the enclosure if she refuses to eat anything in the bin besides rodents? i have eco earth in there now so impaction really isnt a issue they havent ingested any of that since i made the thoughts is to not give up on feeding her in the bin its just frustratiing cause i know shes hungry just dont get why she stopped eating in the bin.... the other option is to offer her rodents everyday she refuses turkey but is that bad to do for a week or 2? til she gets board of them at least.... sorry for long post any advice appreciated