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White Lipped Python


New Member
5 Year Member
Yeah I do!! Now that the ex is outta the picture I can get anything I want. I was held back so many years on what I could and couldnt get. All this is doing is making me more happy. I dont even wanna leave my place anymore. I would like to start my own shop when I decide to move back home within the next 3-5 years and breed my snakes and make it more affordable for other hobbyist. There are way to many over priced dealers out there.


New Member
5 Year Member
Yeah I had that same dream at one time. When I was going strong .I did just that. When I raise stuff now. I still do just not on the scale I used to. Now it's all just a hobby. No more business. Harveysherps is just a user name now. LOL I plan on doing some things with Albino Boas and stuff. All I can say is look out when I do. Cause I'm gonna change some things. LOL Where are you originally from any way . Nero?

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