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mine has been down for a month now. it is very boring....he does not come out. but I have a peek hole where I can watch him. and he does change positions. in his burrow. he moves around alittle bit.
Mine has been out to bask every so often them back under the bark.Hasn't eaten in a month.Just got her in sept and she about 3 months old,Gradually dropping the temps.Night time has been around 70ish.She will come out for a hour to bask in the late morning then goes back..I hate hibernation but I know they need it..Axe
i got two tegus this weekend i am hoping to breed from them and understand you have to hibernate them every year my female is 8 months old and very shy and although she does have a wonder round the viv she spends a lot of time in her hide and is very shy and frightend this is fine with me at the moment she is a argen red and i understand reds are a bit more wary than the black and whites i also have a year old black and white male who has been a lot of fun he spent the day basking today and we havent had him out what i need to know is what temp should i have my female
at this time of year and how much day light