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This is Hope, my 4 month old red tegu.
Stephen J. Williams

This is Hope, my 4 month old red tegu.

It’s amazing what a difference in personality between my tegu and my blue tongue skinks. The tegu is so active, inquisitive, and intelligent. I’m trying hard to tame her by putting my hand in her tank and allowing her to flick her tongue at my fingers, sometimes giving me a little nip, and finally climbing over my hand. What an adventure. Good luck with your new baby.
With Norbert (my red tegu) I sat in the tub (clothed) and just let him walk on and about me. Since there wasn't anywhere crazy for him to run off to he just stayed and climbed over and under my knees. Now while he doesn't like to be picked up, once you set him down in your lap or on your chest he just snuggles in.

Media information

Red Tegus
Added by
Stephen J. Williams
Date added
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Image metadata

Apple iPhone 6s
Focal length
4.2 mm
Exposure time
1/60 second(s)
Auto, did not fire
File size
2.1 MB
Date taken
Fri, 19 October 2018 5:09 PM
3024px x 4032px

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