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  • Tegu mom of 2 and an Environmental Biologist wrapping up my 3 year study on invasive Tupinambis merianae. IF YOU NEED REPTILE HELP, ASK!
    I am a Biologist, researcher, and Science teacher who specializes in tegus! I am a tegu mom of 5 (10 years) and tegu researcher (3 years)!

    On your Blue/chocoan crosses you have posted can you sex a male I know its not the easiest to do when little i guess do your best and can you do a shipping quote to 80134

    thanks Will
    Thanks for emailing me will, sexin is by palpitation...anyone who is willing to risk a probe under 1 year old is willing to risk the animals safety. I usually get 90% right...but it's not guaranteed. Anyone who tells you they can is lying+ has a high sucess rate. Anyone who need to probe after 1 year old is not an expert...because we know about the buttons!!! :)
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