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Search results

  1. C

    Blue Flamingo Cypress Mulch?

    I bought some blue flamingo cypress mulch but this time it looks different than the last time i bought it. I found some bark chips in it, does anyone know if they change their blend or anything?
  2. C

    New Cage

    haha yaa im stoked for it too i guess everyones right about me preparing food on it while holdin me Gu :p haha I should be picking it up next week so ill post some pics of it :D
  3. C

    New Cage

    ooo im sorry guys here it is:
  4. C

    New Cage

    Heyy guys This is going to be my cage soon. its not finish yet but it should by tomorrow haha im so stoked about it haha Oo also theres going to be wood in the inside its not going to be all metal just the frame haha but tell me what you guys think so far? Thanks
  5. C

    Need cage for my Tegu!

    oo really? can you give me a link?
  6. C

    Need cage for my Tegu!

    Hey I'm looking to buy or someone to build a cage for my adult female Tegu. I need a 7 foot long, 3 feet wide and 3 feet tall. I live in SoCal near Palm springs area. And I would like to pick up. willing to drive a few hours. I would like it to be like Rehab Ralphy style. Message me for details
  7. C


    Has your GU feeding appetite slow down? Like has she not been eating as much as it used to?
  8. C

    Its The Time To Build

    Ya thats true haha sounds good so after i paint it how many days do i let the cage sit to the let the fumes out?
  9. C

    Its The Time To Build

    OO alright cool ya ill do that then thanks ya im going to use a Kilz 2 water base on the inside and paint over it. Also When use vinyl flooring on the bottom you just use the caulk on the sides and edges right?
  10. C

    Its The Time To Build

    haha thanks your design is sick bro haha but how did you get the 2x4 nailed onto the platform?
  11. C

    Its The Time To Build

    Do you have to seal the MDF wood? cuz im considering of buying that type of wood
  12. C

    Mr.tegu where did you go?

    Ya where has that dude been hahah
  13. C

    Blaptica Dubia sale.

    haha tight well call me my number is 7607022450 kk thanks
  14. C

    really bad oder on her body

    ooo ya thats sounds right cuz she is sheeding right now and thats probly why shes smells haha thanks guys
  15. C

    really bad oder on her body

    hey guys my tegu has been havin a bad oder lately like when she comes and lays right next to me i can smell her body and it smells like poop haha i picked up her poop and urates everday in her cage is this normal? or is somethin wrong in her cage thats givin her this weird oder? thanks guys :)
  16. C


    ya my tegu hasnt been eatin alot lately she has been goin without eatin for 3 days already she has been sleepin alot too so is it hibernation that is cause it but her belly isnt that huge so idk if shes up for hibernation yet wut do u guys think
  17. C

    feeding patterns

    DO u think its early hibernation? or somethin?
  18. C

    Its The Time To Build

  19. C

    feeding patterns

    Ya basket temps are usually between 95 to 105 degrees and the cool temp between 70 to 85. The foods i feed is ground turkey, chicken, sometimes steak, mice/quail, eggs, and cow liver. Yes she does roam around alot i mean alot haha she always wants out her cage so i let her out to roam around
  20. C

    feeding patterns

    Well my tegu has been acting up with her feeding habits usually i feed her once a day 7 times a week. But lately for about a week she has been going without eating for 2 to 3 days and hasnt been pooping unless she ate something the day before. She has been doing urates tho. This has happen...