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  1. B


    repti-calcium is great. Whatever works right :) everyone has their own opinion you just have to figure out whats best for your beardie!!!
  2. B

    4 steps forward...3 steps back

    I am new to all of this but I am wondering; do you have to hibernate them? If you keep their temps up and keep them active they wont hibernate right?
  3. B


    Hi everyone, I have had reptiles my whole life. I am taking my first step into the tegu world. I just pre-ordered a tegu from Varnyard and I am very excited and nervous. I want to make sure I am doing everything right. I don't want a 4ft disaster. My number one goal is to have a tame all...
  4. B

    donating money to a good cause

    I love your heart. I would stay away from those big organizations. Alot of money is wasted. I completly agree with MMRR-jif. If you love a breed find a local NON KILL rescue and help them out.
  5. B

    cant wait

    I love pits they are the best. But be careful I am really not liking the ridiculous size of the chain on that male. real pit breeders would never do that to their studs. Also you said you want to breed but their are so many stray animals out their and backyard breeders need to be stopped. I wish...
  6. B

    Feeding Time

    Hi please try to avoid sand it is not digestible and can kill your beardie. The only time they really dig is when a female is getting ready to lay eggs!! Also like they said before large crickets are way to big for them and can be very hard to digest. Make sure your basking side is about...
  7. B


    I know you posted awhile ago but here is some advice. There is a brand called sticky tongue vitamens and minerals. I dust all of my beardies food with it. You cant overdose them on that. I dust my superworms (not meal those are no good) horned worms, butter worms, crickets and pinkies with it...
  8. B

    New cage or no?

    Hi I am sure you have already bought him a new cage. I have 4 bearded dragon one of them is a 1/2 german giant. Unfortunately getting a 3 ft high cage would be a disaster. The problem with that is they need to get with in inches of there UVB light. So a cage being that tall would not be...