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New cage or no?


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5 Year Member
Ive had leon my bearded dragon since he was 5months old and 7 inches long hes pushing 20 inches or so and signs of slowing down but heres my question hes been in a 40 gallon since i got him but since hes gettin to be pretty decent size should i get a bigger cage and if so how big but heres a pic just to give you an idea



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5 Year Member
I know I have been considered rude before on this forum. If I do the same thing here that's not my intention. I hope you understand that I want to help you and your bearded dragon. :p

Back to the topic. Caging size. I think it's good that you're considered a new cage. Looks like it's about time. I would recommend a terrarium that are at least 4.5 x 2 feet (or something that gives the same bottom surface) and 3 feet high.

I would love to see a bigger one but that is what I consider the absolute minimum for one of these guys. Don't be afraid of the height, they will really use it. I would also recommend a terrarium with walls that has a "rocky background" with different shelfs. Bearded dragon loves to climb.

After seeing your picture I also have some other tips for you. Looks like you're using only sand. I would recommend to use a mix of sand and soil (about 50/50). This is much more easier for the lizard to dig it.

I would also recommend putting in a lot more branches, pieces of bark and and stones in your new terrarium. This current setup looks empty.

Another thing to think about is that you should have at least two hides for the beardie, one on the hot side and one on the cool side. The waterbowl should also be bigger.

I hope you don't take this the wrong they. If you follow my tips and I'm sure that your beardie will have a better and more natural life. :)


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5 Year Member
thanx for your help and i will get on getting a new enclousre for him i was going to any way but i just wanted to kno an opioion as to how much bigger would you say a 90-95 gallon theres one i saw that was 4x2x2 at a used fish tank store and thanx for the addvice on the substrate


New Member
Hi I am sure you have already bought him a new cage. I have 4 bearded dragon one of them is a 1/2 german giant. Unfortunately getting a 3 ft high cage would be a disaster. The problem with that is they need to get with in inches of there UVB light. So a cage being that tall would not be providing your boy enough uv light. Since you said he is slowing down he is obviously no going to be climbing (at which they do minimal as is). I know you have had him on sand for a while and if it has worked for you great but you do risk impaction from digestion of it. Some people have never had a problem for me I lost my first boy from that. Also he had a 2ft high cage and was not receiving the appropriate heat or uv. Your set up now looks great for your guy. He is a good looking boy too :). Sorry just wanted to add my thoughts.


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5 Year Member
brutus13 said:
Unfortunately getting a 3 ft high cage would be a disaster. The problem with that is they need to get with in inches of there UVB light. So a cage being that tall would not be providing your boy enough uv light. Since you said he is slowing down he is obviously no going to be climbing (at which they do minimal as is).

That's weird. My experience of bearded dragons is that they LOVE to climb if you just provide them with thick branches and big pieces of bark (not to vertical of course) that reaches up to the shelfs. Our girl definitely spends more time climbing then she does on the ground.

I don't think it's hard to provide them with both vertical space and UVB of you have a good setup.


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5 Year Member
well i got a 90gallon and put him on repti carpet and i know he loves it because he doesn't have to trip over the sand to get a cricket and the temp in the cage has gone up ever since i got rid of the sand.

and in terms of climbing he climbs to bask but for the most part he runs around the bottem mostly. but thanx for the comments guys

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