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Search results

  1. P

    Proper Diet from Baby to adult

    Don't worry about rushing with the meat, Varnyard gives them turkey right after they hatch basically so I can't see it being unhealthy for them. You may want to try breaking it into smaller chunks or thin strips just so it is easier to get down. Also don't be afraid to jam a few crickets into...
  2. P

    MVB MegaRay?

    Just follow the link I posted, it is the manufacturers website. They have all the prices and contact info to order one. One of the bonus's with the EB is that you only pay the high price once because it comes with the ballast (light fixture) then you just buy replacement bulbs when needed. Spencer
  3. P

    MVB MegaRay?

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.reptileuv.com/megaray-eb-60-watt-flood-uvb-lamp-kit.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.reptileuv.com/megaray-eb-60- ... mp-kit.php</a><!-- m --> Spencer
  4. P

    MVB MegaRay?

    Email them, they will tell you exactly what you need :) I would say you only need the 100W but its up to you really. The only one I would stay away from would be the Zoo Megaray, they need to be AT LEAST 3' away from the animal. Spencer
  5. P

    Word Associatian Game!

  6. P

    Black and White Tegus in Canada

    Tux lives in Ontario Canada, he also has a feeder website so I can't see him not shipping ;) Spencer
  7. P

    Gravid girl?

    I couldn't tell yeah if they're gravid or not but they sure are purrrty. I hope to be picking one up on the 19th! A lot of care sheets I've read they keep them in pairs but I'm wondering if it is alright for them to live by themselves? Spencer
  8. P


    Don't get your hopes up to high on that $80 Arg, it more then likely ain't gonna be a Arg but fingers crossed right?! There is usually more then a little price difference, the cheapest I've ever seen for sale in Canada for a Arg was $160 which is double the Columbian you got. Good Luck...
  9. P


    That sucks man. I paid $185 for my Arg at a expo and $225 for a Red in store. I know they're expensive but some times you just gotta bite the bullet. What store did you end up getting the animal from? If you try going to some expos you'll more then likely find a Arg or two. If your going to...
  10. P

    A warning for all multy tegu cages..

    I have yet to check out Alice as I want to give her some cool down time. She was going ballistic when I took the body away with the branch. Trying to chase me away from it and trying to run back to the body. Puff, I'm not sure if this is the case because as I said the skull was almost like a...
  11. P

    A warning for all multy tegu cages..

    No worries, I realize that this was my fault and should have tried to get the permanent cage completed sooner. Live and learn I suppose, as terrible as that sounds. No, maybe 3"s of tail. When abouts do they hit sexual maturity, it is around the 2 year mark right? Yes they are still both...
  12. P

    A warning for all multy tegu cages..

    So I came home from school today as usual I went into my room to check on the tegus as I normally do to see how they are doing. Well today when I came home to find Alice my B&W had killed Dozer my Red tegu. So I went to grab it but Alice was in the process of trying to eat him... I chased her...
  13. P

    Name with a Face.......

    I love the one tortoise stuck in the food bowl :P LOL I'd love to have a Coati some day but its not in my near future. I guess I should finally participate in this thread though. So here is a photo of me and Alice that my girlfriend took while I was treating a cut on her tail. By the way...
  14. P

    Timo at his finest...

    Beautiful tegu but this has to prove to everyone that he is only in it for the money. Just scroll down a little and you'll see the tegu. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.agamainternational.com/home.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return...
  15. P

    Brazilian Rainbow Boa Issues. Advice?

    Personally I would just get a pair of thick welding gloves if he is really nippy ;) Spencer
  16. P

    Plans for large enclosure

    Looks good! Nice job, I'm the animal will love it. Is it for a tegu or another snake? Spencer
  17. P

    Enclosure Opinions wanted

    How are you going to waterproof the inside? The cheapest way would be a few coats of primer then a few coats of exterior latex paint (see the link provided above for more detail on that!) I've always lined the inside of my cages with linoleum sheets and they held up quite well. Just make sure...
  18. P

    Have you been bitten?

    I've noticed that whenever Alice goes to bite me she tends to nub her nose/mouth on the area then cocks her head back a bit and then chomp. When I see she is gonna do this I always tighten my hand into a fist and push it to her a little and she always backs off. I think one the main reasons why...
  19. P

    Have you been bitten?

    I'm sure she wasn't the only one that pooped when she bit you! :app :rasp
  20. P

    Have you been bitten?

    LMAO! :rofl