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Search results

  1. P

    How old are you??

    I was thinking the same thing but I'm still curious to know whether they are lieing or not. Spencer
  2. P

    How old are you??

    Your 11 with 8 tegus?.. I'm not trying to sound like a d*ck but can you properly care for them all? Are they babies or all adults? One more question, are they actually yours or does a parent/guardian own a them? I'm just finding that hard to believe. 8 at 11... lol If you can care for them all...
  3. P

    housing two tegus

    <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.tegutalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3025&p=35431#p35431" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3025&p=35431#p35431</a><!-- l --> Heres one link. Do a quick search there are a TON of threads asking the same...
  4. P

    I've re-done my care sheet

    You added quite a bit! Looks good as usual Bobby. Spencer
  5. P

    Finally Pictures!!!

    No actually, but the plants haven't been in there very long. Today actually I saw the Red on top of the Banana plant and it held out fine. The plants are holding out really well though. Spencer
  6. P

    CAN'T get her to shed!!!

    This is just my opinion but I think it might be to humid and her feet are getting sores on the them, I could be wrong though. You may want to try putting her in a rubbermaid with a warm towel on the bottom and then put the lid on. The towel is rough enough to help pull off shed and the warmth...
  7. P


    Yes lets here the interview! I wanna see the old Dave in action LOL :P Good luck on future clutches with the ladies. I notice you got another female blue, is she a adult or just a hold back? If she's a adult do you plan on breeding her as well next year? Again, good job and good luck with...
  8. P

    Finally Pictures!!!

    Thanks everyone! :) This place is like a Home away from Home to me LOL Oh know Alice does have a fork tongue lol I think I just got the picture when the tongue was just about to go back in her mouth
  9. P

    Finally Pictures!!!

    8'x4'x4' :) Spencer
  10. P

    Finally Pictures!!!

    Yep its true! Finally stole the camera from my girlfriend to get some pictures of the tegus and the bed/cage for you guys/girls. Here they are, enjoy! Right side Left side Inside cage on the right side looking to left Inside cage on the left side looking to right Here are some of...
  11. P

    need cage building advice or plans

    No lino itself is fine, he is talking about the glue you use to lay it down I think. I've never heard of vinyl being dangerous because of fumes unless you light it on fire but your tegu would be dead from the fire before the fumes get it. If I'm wrong Rick please correct me :) Spencer
  12. P

    when to start turning light back on?

    Basically when you start to see it out then you turn them on from what I've heard. Spencer
  13. P

    Two Arg. Tegus

    How could you put them in a tree what if they had fallen?! :evil: :bs :mrgreen: Just teasing you. They are very pretty, I might be getting some pictures of my arg and red today if my girlfriend remembers to bring over the camera lol Maybe I'll take some of my bed/cage to finally show you...
  14. P

    Need a cage fast

    Try and get a clear rubbermaid or even buy the largest one you can find (in my case they are 4'x2'x2') also buy a 3'x1'x1' piece of plexiglass and about 1-2 dozen nuts and bolts. Then cut one of the sides of the rubbermaid to slightly under 3'x1'x1' then drill some holes all the way through the...
  15. P

    New GATOR! (pic inside)

    Like I said I'm not knocking you in anyway or at least mean to be :) I think we're all wondering the same thing as well, maybe give it to a gator farm or zoo? Spencer
  16. P

    Heat Pack?

    Don't thank me, I love doing that kind thing. She actually really helped keep me calm, normally when I'm doing speeches in front of a class I get REALLY nervous, get butterflies in my stomach, twitchy, etc. When I was up there this time I wasn't nervous in the slightest which is even stranger...
  17. P

    Heat Pack?

    The project actually came out really well. It was on a dream job and I had chose to do my as a reptile breeder. I brought Alice in a Rubbermaid bin with some substrate to hide in. I also had one of those bean bags you can microwave lightly wrapped to ensure heat went through to her. OH I also...
  18. P

    New GATOR! (pic inside)

    I've been told that the last image is photoshopped and it looks like it to me. Look at the head compared to the body, the head is much lighter in colour and is on a incredibly strange angle if its being picked up by the neck in my opinion. I've also NEVER heard of a Alligator getting to 20'...
  19. P

    Heat Pack?

    Tomorrow I'm might be bringing my Argentina Black & White tegu to school for a project. I would need to take my bus so I would need a heat pack to put in the rubbermaid bin to keep her warm until I get her to school. So my questions are; Whats brands do you recommend? I assume I should wrap it...
  20. P

    Technological retardation

    Oh its all glass. He saved up for years to make it. He payed a company to dig out a huge area beside his house with a machine (name doesn't come to mind! lol) They then built a concrete floor with re-bar built into it for reinforcement. I don't know exactly how he made it but I'll give you a...