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Search results

  1. KlausfromCA

    Preparing one week before getting a Tegu, need some advice

    Hello, everyone, this is Klaus, I'm gone get a Tegu or two in a reptile show on January 4. I have been searching out what I need to prepare over a few weeks already. This thread is to confirm my researching is correct and making sure there is nothing I missed. I have a 4X2X4 Close chamber...
  2. KlausfromCA

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone this is Klaus greeting from LA, I'm new here and I'm new for tegu. I'm plan to get a tegu on reptile show on January. I just starting doing my research for tegu just in case I know what will happen ahead time. I have my enclosure ready is a 2x4x4 close chamber enclosure, two light...