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Search results

  1. Jocierk

    Trying to figure out if Laz is male or female

    Laz is about two years old now (have had him/her for a year and was told he/she was a yearling when I got him/her) and only about 30 inches long. I dont know if he/she is just small or if that means its a female. I took a few pics tonight so I was hoping someone who is a lot more experienced...
  2. Jocierk

    Female Blue Tegu

    I am looking for a female, yearling or older, blue tegu. I am in the midwest and would be willing to drive a ways or can pay for shipping. Id like one that at least tolerates being handled but the more friendly the better. Please send me a message if anyone has one that needs a new home. Thanks!
  3. Jocierk

    Average size for a yearling b&w

    I bought my b&w back in March and it was sold as a yearling. What would you guys say is an average length for a healthy yearling tegu? I don't know if mine is a male of female yet. I honestly don't care how big he/she ends up I am just curious to see if I can get an idea of whats "normal"...
  4. Jocierk

    Yearling tegu help

    So I got a yearling black and white argentinean a few months back (around March I think) and I have a few questions. When I first got him (he was shipped from FL) he hid for a week or so under the substrate but I read that was normal so I didn't worry about it. During this time I was feeding him...
  5. Jocierk

    Can tegus eat expired meat?

    I know they can handle foods that would make a person sick, raw fish for instance. I have some turkey that I forgot to stick in the freezer and its about a week past due. Obviously I don't want to feed him anything that will make him sick so I thought I would ask. Any opinions? Thanks!