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Search results

  1. Vestathetegu

    Florida tegu ban

    The tegu ban was passed in Florida (where I live) and I have been researching what I can do to keep my 3 tegus that I have. The ban will be in effect on July 1st, so I have a little bit of time, but i was reading that I can send in an application for a class lll wildlife permit, which hopefully...
  2. Vestathetegu

    Tegu getting protective over other tegu?

    I have a b&w tegu, who is roughly 2 years old. I got her when she was about a year old and I’ve had her over a year so I’m just assuming. She’s very obedient and I bond with her often so I’ve never had a problem getting close to her. Recently, I got a hatchling red tegu. Not sure of the gender...
  3. Vestathetegu

    Introducing tegus

    I have had my Argentinian black and white female for a year. I’m not sure if her age when I bought her, but she wasn’t a hatchling. She’s been the only tegu in the house, and my husband just recently brought home a Argentinian red hatchling. We introduced them today, and he seems to be...
  4. Vestathetegu

    Stand off-ish

    hello :) I’ve had my b&w tegu for about two months. I didn’t get her as a hatchling, and to be honest, I have no idea how old she is (maybe someone can tell me if I post a picture?) she and I have pretty much established a good relationship. Doesn’t try to bite me and is not ever aggressive. I...
  5. Vestathetegu

    Tegu won’t eat in front of me

    hey! I have had my b&w for almost a month now. I believe she is about a year old. She is sweet but when I got her, she was sort of aggressive but I broke that by sitting in her enclosure everyday (we built a large one, outside) we have gotten to the point where I climb in and wait until she gets...
  6. Vestathetegu

    Very new to world of tegu

    hello, I am very new to the tegu world. I have an argentin black and white tegu named Vesta. I come here to read around to see if what my tegu is doing is normal. She have a very large handmade enclosure outside (in Florida) so it’s always nice and hot and humid for her. She is a Juvenial I...