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6 yr old female rhino iguana about 4 ft long tame as they come has laid 2 clutches of eggs last 2 yrs was used in school shows with kids. never bites. great pet!!!! $850.00 call pat 732 768 8093 I'm in nj
selling my female rhino iguana she is completely tame and has been used in kid shows and has been to many schools. she is 6 yrs old has laid eggs last 2 seasons. she eats any and everything all greens and fruits grasses mazuri tortoise chow u name it... tame as they come... great lizard...
ya forget the leash,,, they do go threw breeding cycles if its a male they do get moody from time to time mostly around may june for me. feed him red fruits like strawberries, raspberries and red grapes. mix them in with food they really seem to like this also like mazuri tortoise chow. . is...
do u keep them outside? if so ya they may be a little off a few days, mine fight like crazy when they come inside, going threw it right now as well and im in nj.
my 2 reds are now about 2ft in length tip to tail and im going to build them a new outside cage how big do u guys think for the 2 of them for now until adult size. i was going to do 6ft wide x 8ft long. pen type set up with hide box.
i have a 4ft wide by 8ft long x 3ft high wire sided cage free if u are nearby u will need big pick up truck or large van email me for pics. <!-- e --><a href="mailto:minya74@aol.com">minya74@aol.com</a><!-- e -->
ya that will work did u ever think about getting leopard tortoises they get really big but are still manageable, and being u are in texas they would do well. and i found they are much more personable. my male follows me everywhere eats out of my hand loves scratches on the head and eats out of...
well its not all perfect they get huge!!! did i say huge!!!! they eat like nothing u have ever seen if u can get them to eat hay and tortoise chow thats a plus but they will eat about a garbage can full of greens a day. its a plus if u live near or on a field of some kind where they can actually...
i had a 80 lb male for 10 yrs i built a pen in my back yard that was a 6ft fence buried 3 ft in the ground it was 18 ft x22ft and id lived on a field and 3 times a week i would just let him roam he loved it. great pet great friend he now lives as a breeder on a farm in Pennsylvania.
i had a cuban iguana that always did that i just left him out but he never got used to it maybe as it gets a little warmer up there give him a heated hut to go in at night when it looks like its gonna be a cool night make sure he is in the hut other wise just let him be he will calm down.
last yr got eggs but went bad she laid them outside the box while i was away and person watching them did not notice. i was a little upset to say the least. hopefully this yr male is getting relied up as we speak, see a lot of activity with him at night like between 6 and 9 pm even in the dark...