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So ive just gotten my 2 foot tegu in the mail yesterday morning. He was perfectly healthy and interactive. After he finished basking a few hours later, i sat beside the open cage playing on my phone. I Also have him some food since he seemed hungry (idk if it is correct to give him food this...
so kai went down for the winter about a week or two ago and seems to be in full brumation at this point. I don’t think it’s his first brumation since I got him as a juvenile back in March, but it’s his first brumation with me. I’ve been slowly cutting his “daylight” hours back and made sure his...
I have a three week old tegu and I noticed that he sleeps alot. I got him 6 days ago. He wakes up around 9am then goes to sleep around 2-3pm. Is it odd for a baby to sleep this much? Maybe he is going into shed? He eats fine and he is pretty active when awake. Should I be worried?
8 I bought a hatchling Argentine red from a breeder in October . Breeder said he was born in late September .
My setup
72 gallon aquarium with 3" coconut substrate
Two hides... One half hollow log at the cool end and an enclosed cave with a shirt in it on the basking end.
Both sides of the...
So I bought a hatchling Argentine red from a breeder in October . Breeder said he was born in late September .
My setup
72 gallon aquarium with 3" coconut substrate
Two hides... One half hollow log at the cool end and an enclosed cave with a shirt in it on the basking end.
Both sides of...