Hello guest! Are you a Tegu enthusiast? If so, we invite you to join our community! Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Tegu enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your Tegu and enclosure and have a great time with other Tegu fans. Sign up today! If you have any questions, problems, or other concerns email [email protected]!
While I was feeding Kitara out on the patio tonight, I found a piece of PVC pipe. It very quickly became a lizard toy!
What do you guys do to entertain your lizards? Anyone have any fun toys or puzzle balls? Feel free to try this out.
This is my first post, after being a long time lurker (over a year of lurking nearly every single day!) - I decided to make an account now that I’ve got my Tegu.
I got him just before Christmas, and he (pretty sure he’s a he) is settling in fine. I’ve uploaded a few pic if you wanna take a...