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  1. T

    Tegu rescue not eating

    Hi all, hoping to get some advice as a novice Tegu keeper. Over the weekend I found someone who was selling some cheap Viv's in sizes I needed for my Boas, however due to family illness, said person was getting rid of/rehoming all of their reptiles one of them happened to be a fairly emaciated...
  2. Scriffignano

    Tegu puberty??

    I think Saphee (young female Argentine Blue Tegu) is going into tegu puberty now... When I got her in August 2020 she was 20 grams and 12 inches and now she is over 1.2 lbs and at least 2 feet long. I've noticed signs of heightened food aggression for the past few days and I think she is getting...
  3. K

    Never seen this before..freaking out.

    I saw my black and white Argentina tegu poop and she had these two long white flat strings hanging out of her butt. Please help im freaking out because I've never seen this before.
  4. M

    Male or female help?

    Hello all!! I have a baby tegu that is about 2 months old? They weren’t sure where I got him/her so that is my estimation. It may be way to early to tell but I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me sex my tegu? I can try and take better pics next time Dozer is out of these pics...
  5. wildartist


    My beautiful girl was stolen from my home by someone I know. I’m pleading with all my heart for anyone that is able to provide tips, be on the lookout or help in any way. She could be at any home, business or show! She’s several years old now, a true Argentine Black and White, and “was” a...
  6. P

    2 Year old Female woke up a grouch?

    Hello Tegu Talk! My name is Annelle, and I adopted an adolescent female B&W Argentine tegu from a rescue center last spring. I named her Saphira, and though it was rough at first, the two of us had a wonderful summer together! She learned to trust me--so much so, she would eat out of my hand...
  7. S

    How Do You Seek Specific Gender Tegu if Baby is Wanted?

    Hey all! I understand that tegus are difficult to sex when young. What do you do when you're seeking a specific gender (e.g., for breeding) but want to acquire a baby tegu rather than an adult? Are you just supposed to take a guess and hope the 50/50 is in your favor? If cost were not an...
  8. Djatawsome

    Argentine Black and White Male or Female?

    I bought Blue (original name I know) from TegusOnly, I asked for a female he said at the avaliable size sexing wasn't very possible. Blue is now nearly 2 years old (This July) and I see slight jowls that may just be fat or droopy skin. I tried feeling for and looking for spurs and neither see...