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  1. clydeballthepython

    Tegu butt scooting excessively

    So my tegu Gilbert has been pacing around my room for the last little bit scooting his butt on the ground. He usually does this immediately after pooping, but he hadn't passed anything when I first noticed this behavior. I was immediately worried about impaction/constipation as I gave him cut up...
  2. T

    Prolapse and no vet for two weeks?!

    Well the only exotic vet apparently can't do anything for 2 weeks, and all the regular veterinarians flat wont touch a reptile. His colon is coming out, aside from sugar bath and coaxing it back in and Vaseline, is there anything to be done at this point? Denton wont eat and it come out about...
  3. Z

    Constipated tegu?!

    I’m posting for a friend, he has an Argentine red tegu and he is only passing urates. He is straining to go in his legs. We have been doing warm soaks everyday and plus because he is in shed. What kind of foods or oils will make him go, we don’t know how many days it’s been but it might be right...
  4. Debita

    Tegu impaction/constipation

    Hey - I just wanted to report an event we had with our 2 yr old male (Skully) this past weekend. He's O.K.....thank God! I noticed late last week that he hadn't gone to the bathroom. I didn't panic until - by Sunday - he really didn't look good. Eyes were dull, activity was zilch, and he was...