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Recently I've noticed my tegu having a small scar on his head but these past few days it looks worse I think he has scale rot and I think it may be from my parents dog trying to nip at him through the cage and idk any treatment I'll put an image
Just got this tegu as a rescue and noticed this thing on the scales on her head. I’m guessing Its either a burn scar, rubbed it raw against something somehow, or scale rot. Can someone please help? She seems healthy otherwise.
My blue came to me with what looked like a burn on him, and now its spread to all over him, i have a vet appointment but they can't see him until Sept 12th
I'm literally freaking out.
Is this scale rot? Something else?
Humidity is around 75% basking spot is around 120 and cool side in 80s
So a couple weeks ago a noticed our 1 year old tegu had some dry skin on his legs. I thought it was stuck shed, so I've been putting him in the bath with coconut oil. It doesn't seem to be getting better. Could it be scale rot? I was going to go out today and get some betadine.
Also, his eye...