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  1. bronzkeushio

    Tail issues

    Hi, friends! I’m new here. I have a 4 month old B&W tegu. He is having some issues with his tail. His tail has looked like it’s getting ready to shed for a few weeks but hasn’t fully shed yet. He gets plenty of humidity, a soak 3-4 times a week, proper vitamins/supplements, and fed ground turkey...
  2. bronzkeushio

    Tail shedding issues

    Hi, friends! I’m new here. I have a 4 month old B&W tegu. He is having some issues with his tail. His tail has looked like it’s getting ready to shed for a few weeks but hasn’t fully shed yet. He gets plenty of humidity, a soak 3-4 times a week, proper vitamins/supplements, and fed ground turkey...
  3. Witch

    my tegu eat her tail!

    It is so scary for me, because when I came home, I saw my tegu cut her tail off. And I have cleaned her enclosure and her tail. meanwhile, put some antibioticointment on her tail. Right now, my tegu is eating her tail and skin. so I just wonder why tegu cut and eat her tail. Did I do something...