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tegu new owner

  1. S

    Cage help and new owner

    Hi im new here and december 2020 i got my first tegu spot. I got her and she went into brumation almost instantly she was about 1ft long. She is currently in a 75 gallon tank witch i am currently looking into her new tank has she is waking up from brumation. I have a couple of questions so i am...
  2. Grizzlyshock14

    3 week old B&W x Blue baby (Skin/eye questions)

    Hello all, Recently I got Killua two weeks ago and he’s already settled in eating like a pig and has gone through his first shed already!! With all of that aside, after more handling and socializing time, I’ve noticed a few weird spots (One on his back and one on his eye) The back “bump” if...
  3. ToothlessMamma

    New tegu mamma- help in bonding

    My husband and I got toothless from a breeder recently and we just put him in his new enclosure the other day. He absolutely adores it! The breeder says he’s about one years old, but when we first got him he seemed really cuddly and wasn’t too spastic. It’s been a week now of having him, and it...