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2 of my tegus finally met!


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5 Year Member
So if you're reading this I'm guessing you're not too annoyed with all my recent posts..:angel::blush:

It went really well! At first I was really nervous, I thought he was a lot larger than he actually is compared to them. He met the larger female tonight. They were only together for like 5 minutes, I didn't want to over do it and it's getting close to their bed time lol.
I don't know if this is normal behavior but heres sort of how it went..
He came over to her and smelled her a bit, they sort of went in circles smelling each other then she started climbing all over him. I was scared he'd get mad and snap at her lol. But he didn't care, he just sat there as she climbed all over his head. She finally laid down across his back and then I took her back into her enclosure and let him hang out a bit longer before he went back.
So exciting! I feel lame for being so hesitant before. Tomorrow I'm going to let them hang out a little bit longer and if it still goes well I might try introducing the smaller female to him on Sat or Sun. I got a few pics for anyone who's interested. I don't know how he gets so dirty so quickly! There will be a little video on youtube in a bit if anyone cares to see it as well.

Oh and a side question so I dont have to post another thread. Usually when the girls are basking one is under the MVB bulb and the other is on the upper basking area where I have a regular basking bulb and a reptisun 10.0. Today they were both on the upper basking area and they were stacked on top of each other. Is this an issue? I want to make sure they're getting the uvb they need, I know for beardies it can be a dominance thing, I'm guessing its the same for tegus but they flipped after a while and the other one was on top.. If it keeps up do I need to seperate them or anything? Theres not fighting, they sleep snuggled up together, they're never too far apart. If one gets taken out the other is right at the glass waiting to come too. I also attached a picture of them stacked.



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5 Year Member
Sweet! I had a similar experience yesterday. I've been letting Aesop and Francis free-roam together for the last month or so (Aesop is working on 4 feet while Francis is MAYBE 2 and a half and their girths are VASTLY different). Anyway, up until yesterday, they've COMPLETELY ignored each other. They'll cross paths and go about their own business.

Well, yesterday, Francis decided to try and go for a ride on Aes's back...it was hilarious. Aes was cool with it, but wouldn't stay still long enough for Francis to really get a good position to stay on. I ran to get the camera to film it, but like EVERY TIME something cool happens with my tegus, they quit the behavior before I could film it (note to self, and everyone else: have those cameras at the ready if you're serious about getting cool footage of your tegus because you NEVER know what these guys will do to surprise you).

Of course, after that little piggy-back attempt, they went right back to ignoring each other (of course, the camera was ready...for nothing). Figures.


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5 Year Member
Haha thats how it always works! :p
Glad your tegus are getting along too!


New Member
Here's an interesting question I just thought of: does anyone think that tegus benefit from companionship with the same species?

If your tegu is tame enough, of course they will seek human affection from time to time; but does anyone think tegus are "happier" in a group, as opposed to being alone?


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5 Year Member
I just got my girl tegus on Sunday. They've been living together since they were a couple months old. I've never had any reptiles housed together so its kind of interesting to see them together. One thing I have noticed is that if I only take one girl out the other will wait at the glass for her turn or for the first one to return.
I'm not sure if its because they have a strong bond or if it is just because it just wants out but its interesting to see. I'll try to find it but I've read somewhere that some of them get into little groups for brumation, they spend their sleeping time snuggled up together.

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