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A few Tegu concirns


Active Member
5 Year Member
Just a few questions for you guys. I think my gu is comming out of hybernation. She comes out of her hide every once in a while, and always eats when she does. If she is out I always handle her, and typicly feed her on my bed, and then let her free roam in my tegu proof room. I set up a water bowl and a heat lamp for when she wonders.

My concirns are this. Tegus are suposed to drink a lot, but I almost never see mine drinking. She knows where her water is, because Ive seen her use it. But sometimes Ive seen her go days without drinking. Obviously I dont watch her 24/7 so its just a consirn of mine.

My other consirn is that I also never see her poop anymore. I supose its possible that she poops somewhere in my room, but I cant find it, and its usualy very smelly. I give her lots of warm baths, and rub her belly, but she has never pood in the bath tub. I am pretty sure she is pooping somewhere, because she eats till her belly is all fat, and sometimes when I see her, her belly is skinny again.

What do you guys think?

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