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A lag in shedding?


New Member
After shedding twice, back to back, and with a usual shed schedule of at least once a month, Odin has not shed for over 5 weeks. The first of his back to back sheds, about a month or two ago, didn't go so well. We were in the process of setting up his new enclosure and he ended up being without his humidifier for a few days and as a result didn't shed his tail well. I still have not been able to get all of that shed off his tail. We managed to get a strip down the middle off, so it doesn't seem to be constricting his tail. I bathe him daily and have been using baby oil on his tail to try and remove the sheds, but its not really working all that well. I just wanted to know if that could be causing his lull in shedding, or if its just normal for them to not shed as often at times? He does not seem to be slowing down at all, and the humidity, temperatures ect haven't changed in 3 months. Oh, and the second shed of the back to back ones went fine other than there still being stuff on his tail from the first bad one. Any advice on removing the leftover shed on his tail and insight on his sudden growth slow-down would be very helpful.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Other than upping the humidity in Odin's tank, you're doing what you should. Just keep an eye on it and if it continues for an extended period of time consult your vet. I have never known any lizard of any species that shed on a regular, set routine.

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