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Advice...do I get him or not?


I need a bit of advice. I've been on the hunt for another tegu. I'm wanting to get a tegu hatchling, but that kind of changed today. Today I met a large adult male black and white tegu at one of the pet stores around here. He was dropped off apparently.

He was covered in shed, he was in an enclosure that was way too small for him, bumping his nose against it over and over. He has old injury to his mouth, apparently from biting something like a pipe...and the pet store people don't know any of his details, like where he's from, if he's got permanent damage to his mouth (though apparently he eats just fine). They say he's parasite/illness free.

Now, this big brute of a lizard actually let me hold him and handle him, as well as one of the pet store guys, and the friend I was with. Three random people handling and petting him, and he didn't make any aggressive maneuvers like tail whipping or trying to bite. To me, this speaks volumes about his temperment, particularly since he's in the middle of a rough shed.

So, I find myself wondering if I should change my plans...and give him a home. Obviously, he'd have to go to the vet to get that mouth checked out, and get him checked over.

My main concern here is my girl Ammy. I don't know how she would take to me introducing another adult into her territory. I had intended to get a hatchling because I have the cage for one (ammy never would stay in her cage), but I find myself feeling like this guy...this guy needs a home, and someone with the time to take care of him. I'd like to be that person, but I need advice about whether I should or not. Ammy herself isn't even full-grown yet...this male is about twice her size, at least in head (she's about as long as he is though)...and she's got free-range, so he would as well...though I would quarantine him for awhile, definitely.

So...advice for me?

Some pictures we took of the big fat boy:


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lol...yeah, I kinda already came to that decision. I'm going to have to pinch and scrap pennies, but he's going to be mine.


New Member
Yea he's a cutie,:) this make me want to go check out my local reptile stores Argentine.. May bea rescue aswell (they aren't notorious for taking care of there animals).


5 Year Member
Southeast Louisiana
He is a nice looking guy.
Im willing to bet he would appreciate a rescue.
I've pesonally never had the oportunity to rescue (a Tegu),
But I have heard from reputable sources that they tame down fine, and dont necessarily carry "baggage" with them.
I'd get him if I had the chance.....


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I would not add a possibly sick much larger lizard to your collection. Unless you have a way to keep them separated completely should they not get along. Another thing is I wouldn't pay much for him being they don't have any history on him and he has a few problems.


Yeah...I fully intend to keep him quarantined for awhile. For the first few days at least, I don't think I'll even let him outside of either the bathroom that I cleared for him, or the enclosure I have. At least not until I can get a vet to check him over and see how healthy he is and make sure he doesn't have any problems.

His price tag says $200...I know that's a good price for a full-grown adult tegu, but yeah...I'm making lists of pros and cons tonight.


I suppose I'm just wondering if I should take a chance or not. I'm inclined to take a chance...if the pet store has a return policy. If nothing else...he gets a few days of pampering and being properly taken care of, with someone willing to help him get the old shed off and give him a safe place with space.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I would offer them $100 if you have the ability to provide him with the space he needs should him and your other tegu not get along. If he was dropped off, the shop isn't put any money unless they took him to the vet, which I highly doubt. I'm sure they fed him and they have housed him so $100 should be plenty to cover their expense.


Well, I discussed price with them already today, when I visited him. He's marked $350...so I think $200 is as low as they will probably go. Tegus around here are sadly expensive. I saw a red tegu today, just a bitty baby, probably not more than a few weeks out of the egg, far smaller than Ammy was when I got her, and that little tegu was marked over $300. I'm told that the person that used to breed tegus around here and supply the pet stores died last year and his stock was sold off...so apparently there's no local breeders around here, thus tegus suddenly became rare in the area.


If you do get him, I would definitely try and keep the quarantine for well more than a few days. At least a month. Reptiles hide their problems/ ills so well that if the *is* a problem with the male it May not be obvious for some time.


offer 150 and see if they bite. on it . I had no idea they were charging that much for a dropped off animal .If they know you as a customer they should be able to find it to cut you a deal . After all what did it cost them to feed it , some mice they bred in the basement?


San Luis Obispo, CA
id buy the poor guy, but definitely talk price when it comes to a drop off they can't care for. tell them no ones going to want to buy a huge adult male with possible health issues, so this is a good deal. of course quarantines always a good idea, but introduction through scent, then glass, then finally a tentative in person would be the way to go i think between the two.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Pet stores will not be looking at just the overhead for that one animal, but their operation as a whole. If you decide to get him, you'll have to consider possible vet costs if he does have health problems. He is pretty cool!

Another thought...when breeding season comes around, he will pester you female incessantly. So at that time you will want them separated. Even if you plan to breed, she needs some time to get away.

Keep us updated! :)

Dana C

tresh said:
Well, I discussed price with them already today, when I visited him. He's marked $350...so I think $200 is as low as they will probably go. Tegus around here are sadly expensive. I saw a red tegu today, just a bitty baby, probably not more than a few weeks out of the egg, far smaller than Ammy was when I got her, and that little tegu was marked over $300. I'm told that the person that used to breed tegus around here and supply the pet stores died last year and his stock was sold off...so apparently there's no local breeders around here, thus tegus suddenly became rare in the area.

Perhaps if you let them know in a polite way that the more rare specimens, colors, domestically bred etc. bring $350, perhaps you will convince them to sell him for less, much less in fact.
If they still insist on $350, walk away but leave them your name and phone number.

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