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Agama international


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Your Welcome. I am saying this as my advice. If you want a Tegu that was bred by an Icon in this business. One mind you that is sadly passing away slowly and fighting a great fight. But it will soon be no more Bert Langerwerf bred Tegus on the market. Just think what the prices may do when he is gone. He provides most of the Tegus bred in captivity. That's a lot of Tegus. This is just my opinion. He or Bobby either one are good in my book. But I really don't trust anyone else. Most you buy from people came from Bert anyway. Why not go to the source and cut out the middle man.


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Harveysherps said:
I have been emailing Bert today. He is very sick. I ask each of you to pray for Bert. Whether you like him or not. Please just take a second to do so. I just got this info . He wouldn't agree with me doing this. I alone feel this is necessary . Thank You

I have been in contact with Bert and Hester, Bert is in very bad shape and he cannot go outside for more then a few minutes at a time. He has also lost a bunch of weight, he is 6ft tall and now weighs around 80lbs.

So yes, Bert is very sick, and I really am worried about my friend.


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i have had nothing but good meetings with burt and hester, i bought a huge male blk. white tegu back in 96 he went above and beyond to make sure i was happy with my purchase. all dealers have ther share of problems and it is impossible to keep everyone happy. and i like the fact he goes dumpster diving for tegu food hell its free and if we wernt such a fat wasteful socity there would be no food to dumpster dive for. plus the guys tegus speak for themselves...... that was just my dealings.


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i guess everyone had different dealings. He overall sounds ok, just possibly messed up a few times and fixed his problems. and i guess even while he is sick, he's got some help. and his prices are cheap! $100 with shipping. I guess i'll test fate. Wish me luck.


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Agama International at present

Just wanted to be sure anyone who reads this knows that Bert passed away this summer, and that at present the farm is up for sale. If you had negative experiences with Bert, please give the animals themselves a second chance under their new management.

As for Bert's practices, they're a little unorthodox to those not in the business, but actually quite normal. Agama no longer has to dumpster dive, having a solid arrangement with the local grocery store for day-old meats and vegetables. It may sound weird to us to feed expired food to our animals, but that's exactly what every professional zoo does. (Expired foods are better than what many sanctuaries do, which is collect roadkill - *shudder*)

Please remember when watching that video that it was filmed in the '90s, and that many things regarding the industry have improved since then. I have personally visited the grounds at Agama International, and the animals are well cared for, healthy and lively. If such is the case in Bert's absence, I feel certain that he would not have allowed anything less during his illness. As Hester herself put it to us "he took care of the animals, and then he took care of his family". There's no way he would have let anyone take care of him til the animals themselves had been cared for.

At 2,000 or more babies per year (and with only two people to run it) they had their hands full, and taking pictures of specific animals (not to mention tracking said animals down afterward in the collection) is presently out of the question. Let us hope that under newer, younger management, and with the advances in microchipping for reptiles, it will soon become much easier to track and record every one of the numerous babies.

(Regarding the comment that one should not be bothering with animals if they're sick, what exactly is one supposed to do with them when that happens? If you own 3,000 animals, it's not all that easy to get rid of them when you get sick, nor is it easy to get those who are helping you out to do things to your standards. Sometimes you just have to try your best. As a formerly disabled breeder, I can empathize with him greatly.)


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i considered purchasing the business but i feel their price was way too much. the animal inventory is what the big chunk of cash is for. now i don't know how many animals are there exactly but it wasn't cheap. the land and house also seemed a tad pricey


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That dumpster diving thing isn't that bad of an idea. In the wild most animals must scavenge for food. I just wonder what is suitable and what's not. I'm sure a McD's BigMac can't be any good but maybe yesterdays lunch meats at the deli are probably better. Hmm


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Bert only got fruit and stuff like that. He fed chcikens and raised most of his own feeders. Alot of the dumpster diving was for feeder food also. He was froogle with his practices. Which is always a good thing in these days.
Lunch meat and stuff has to much fat and preservatives. The would eat it though. In a pinch it would get you through.


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So interesting. Thanks Harvey. And hope you and Bobby don't miss your friend too much. I read all the posts in this thread. I guess it's hard to be a happy guy when doing bussiness. It's even tougher to set your personal problems aside when they're that significant. My grandmother went this past spring to cancer too. What a nasty thing that cancer is. But life must go on right? Peace be in your hearts and Happy Holidays.


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Thank you I lost a couple of family members about the same time Bert died. So I had a rough time with it all. I reckon I've dealt with things. I still have him on my contacts list. I just can't bring myself to delete him. Kinda dumb I guess . But it's my monument to him I guess. Thanks for the well wishes. I wish the same for you and your family.


5 Year Member
I bought one of agama last stock not to long ago. I wanted to give one another chance. My friend posted some pictures here.

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What an adorable little angel. (This is no fair, we're out of ROOM!!!! :D)

Anybody know of a nice continent I could buy? at the rate I'm going, that's what I'm gonna need . . . :p



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I am real late on this but have to say something about Bert. i went to visit him at the farm two weeks before he went in the hospital. he was tired. told me i couldnt stay long because he couldnt be out more than a few minutes at a time. So, I told him i wanted a sub adult male Tegu and we went out and picked my boy out and boxed him up. after boxing him up bert said let me show you around. so 2 hours later he had shown me every part of the farm. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about the hospitality he showed my wife and me that day. i had looked up to Bert since i was old enough to read it seems and it was an honor to spend that time with him. He was Funny. Crackin jokes the whole time and made me feel like i had known him for years. Berts death should be remembered from now on. He was Amazing in every aspect. everything he did was hands on and he showed me all of it.
The day Bert died was one of the worse days the reptile community has or ever will have.
Just had to say my peace. At least now i know there will be Tegus in Heaven.

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