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Agentine tegu or savannah monitor?

(sorry for posting this twice but i think i posted it in the wrong spot last time) for the past couple of months ive been cracking my head as to wether i want a tegu or a sav. I think savs look much cooler than tegus, but in my research (which has been alot!) ive read from many people that they think that (usually) tegus tame better than savs and their bites, scratches and whips arent nearly as bad. Ive also read that tegus are esier to care for and there much hardier so if the tegus husbandry needs are a litle off he would be fine (like if thers a black out and its not too cold, or if i go away and ask my brother to care for him and isnt as experienced). But is this true? because savs are cheaper (and in my opinion look cooler) and dont require as much humidity (from what ive read). Is this true?

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