Hello! I'm new to Tegu Talk. I just recently inherited an Argentine tegu named Suki from my brother. She is about 9 years old! She has always been a complete sweetheart with him but not so much me. Anytime I walk by the cage she paces and hisses. I feed her every other day with ground turkey with calcium powder (no D3) and either medium rats, chicks, baby rabbits or baby guineas. (It's a rare day if she will eat any fruits or veggies). I do slowly keep giving her food until she is full.
so I don't think it's anything to do with food. I let her soak in a luke warm bath 2x a week where she always does her "business". She gets out for exercise and sun whenever I can get her out safely. I'm stumped on what's going on and could really use some help on what to do about her aggression. Thank you!