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Aggressive Tegu


New Member
Hello! I'm new to Tegu Talk. I just recently inherited an Argentine tegu named Suki from my brother. She is about 9 years old! She has always been a complete sweetheart with him but not so much me. Anytime I walk by the cage she paces and hisses. I feed her every other day with ground turkey with calcium powder (no D3) and either medium rats, chicks, baby rabbits or baby guineas. (It's a rare day if she will eat any fruits or veggies). I do slowly keep giving her food until she is full. :) so I don't think it's anything to do with food. I let her soak in a luke warm bath 2x a week where she always does her "business". She gets out for exercise and sun whenever I can get her out safely. I'm stumped on what's going on and could really use some help on what to do about her aggression. Thank you! :)


Active Member
Change can be hard on lizards. Be patient. Try putting shirt a your scent on it in the enclosure. She will get comfortable with your scent and hopefully be more comfortable with you! Keep working with her! Keep us updated!

Jackie & Hellboy

Active Member
Tegu's are much smarter than we give them credit for, my theory is that she doesn't recognize you as her keeper like she did with your brother for what seemed like years that he had her? It will take some time for her to chill out to your presence but the added scent of yours to her cage can help as well.


New Member
Update on Suki!:)
With much patience and love I feel like I've gained her trust. Our relationship has been amazing lately. When I open her cage she walks up and let's me pet her. Holding her is very easy also. I don't have to use gloves anymore because she's so calm! No more pacing or hissing!:) Thank you very much about the info on the shirt! Really helped!:)


New Member
And yes, my brother has had her since she was a baby. But sadly he had to move and couldn't take her. So I gladly took her so he could still visit her. :)


That are some great news! I am giving home to a two years old b&w argentine since three weeks now. For the first one and a half weeks he didn't seem to trust me at all, but now where we have trained every day, I can do almost everything with him. We are bathing (which means I bring him there, haha) every day and he loves me puttinh water over his back and head with my hands. He shows me when he wants out of his enclosure to have some free roaming and lets me pet him whenever I want. At the beginning he was huffing all the time and didn't liked me touching him at all but we have come to a very close relationship already I believe. I really think if you are good to them and patient they will show their gratefulness in being your best friend :)


New Member
That's really adorable and amazing to hear!:) I agree completly. Tegus are super amazing and I can definitely tell Suki is starting to accept me. :) She really loves bath time. She starfishes and falls asleep if I rub her tummy in there! Lol


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5 Year Member
Yes they are very smart and they really do learn to recognize their handlers. Guru is almost cat like, I won't say tame because hes an animal but we've had no issues... Anyway, he will let me pull things out of his mouth, hand feed him (not suggested, be ready to be accidentally bitten but I've done it a few times), I can pretty much do whatever I want with him... He isn't too patient with others though, he doesn't mind being touched but hes definitely more patient with me and tolerates a lot more with me.


Yeah, you're right. Tame might be the wrong word. Eventhough their behaviour might fit this description, they are still not and never will be domesticated. But hey, I don't need that. I can't imagine a better pet than a Tegu already. I am so excited about the future development with him. He is so cool with me already.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Hahah yeah tegus have pretty much ruined other reptiles for me... In a good way though! Whenever I see other lizards I find myself comparing them to tegus, mostly the socialization. :p they're awesome to own and great buddies.

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