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An attempt at giving some back to all of you.


Rolling Hills, California
Hey guys and gals, I'm new to the world of tegu but in this forum you can find a wealth of knowledge that will answer just about any question you have. @Roadkill @Josh @laurarfl and everyone else who's helped my I cannot thank you enough, but it's time I helped you guys and gals out as well. Eggshell Calcium supplement. Yup, I said it.


I found this INCREDIBLY useful, and way cheaper then other products on the market that work half the time or just not for our scaly sons and daughters I'm sure some of you have heard about this, especially when a majority feed eggshells flat out, but for the hatchlings who tend to be pickier then an adult, it's great, and Jagger loves anything I put this powder on. By the way, yesterday was the first day Jagger accepted me and crawled into my hand after 2 weeks of keeping my hand in the enclosure. Your advice made me a happy tegu daddy, and there is no words to explain my thanks to you three. Jagger is growing fast, staying active, incredible skin, and he just had a VERY successful shed. So thanks guys, and to all the tegus newbies like me, listen to these guys and gals and heed their advice. My "used to be" terrified hatchling is now much more calm, and trusting and now loves being handled, just following their advice.
Best Regards!

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