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Animals you have been attacked by??


New Member
5 Year Member
Once I got attacked by a crack head, changed my life forever. It was crazy, I can tell that it was a stray because he was foaming at the mouth.


New Member
5 Year Member
olympus said:
Once I got attacked by a crack head, changed my life forever. It was crazy, I can tell that it was a stray because he was foaming at the mouth.

Did he look like this


New Member
5 Year Member
My gosh, if I tried to list them all . . .

Let's just say my parents and I used to run both a reptile rescue, and an exotics mammal rescue, WHILE I was working as a groomer, working with canine rescue and training, AND raising livestock! Boy I miss those days! So I'll just pick out a few of the most . . . memorable.

The Water Moccasin that nailed me when I was 12.

The juvenile mountain lion that decided he didn't like me.

The super fat minpin that didn't like the dryer.

The bobcat that wasn't pleased about being put in a crate for the night.

The steer (cow) that most certainly did NOT want to go on the trailer.

The sow (pig) that didn't like being separated from her piglets.

The rat that decided he didn't want to be snake food that day. (Can you blame him?)

The stud horse that someone spoiled and then expected me to be able to saddle for them.

Okay, you know what . . . I'm going to stop there, before I remember more and decide maybe I'll stick to stuffed animals from now on! :lol:

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