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Antibiotics and gravidity


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
My female tegu is believed to be gravid and also broke her tail today. I was feeding her when I noticed a red spot on her tail. She was an adult with a crooked and regrown tail when I got her. This was red, soft, and nasty. I'm sure it was wet gangrene judging by the awful smell! :drool I cleaned it and messed with it and now it is broken in the healthy area.

She acts fine and has been active and eating. I don't know if she banged her tail, the tail was already in bad shape, or if it was a result of mating rituals (my male is pretty gentle though). She has been so restless in her cage and maybe bent it.

I have her in a clean container with newspaper until I can clean all the mulch, etc out of her enclosure tomorrow. This is my first year breeding tegus and I'd really like this to all go well! I was just getting ready to add some nesting material for her tomorrow as a matter of fact. I'm hoping that 1) she doesn't need antibiotics because I don't want to chance damaging the developing eggs 2)the tail regrowth/healing won't affect her pregnancy and vice versa.

Any advice or encouragement?

Laura R (FL)


Former Admin
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Laura, that is a good question, I do know that Baytril has caused problems in gravid boas, but I do not know about what antibiotics would be safe when used on a gravid reptile. That would be a great question for a vet, however my though is, when in doubt, leave it out.


Former Admin
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Laura, that is a good question, I do know that Baytril has caused problems in gravid boas, but I do not know about what antibiotics would be safe when used on a gravid reptile. That would be a great question for a vet, however my though is, when in doubt, leave it out.

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