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Anyone housing their new siblings together?


New Member
We have ours in the same 125 tank, but we divided it in half with a plank of wood and some aquarium glue so they can't see or interact with each other. We'll give them both the same amount of love and attention(Well, it's more likely Neeko and I will each pick our favorite), but we're afraid of tail and toe nips.

tl;dr Is anyone housing theirs together?


New Member
do you think bobby had them separated? :p bobby had a very locigal answer for me when i asked about housing my 2 together when they are adults, he said " i have over 400 tegus here, do you think i have them all in seperate cages" lol so i think they should be okay together and even better as adults because they grew up together


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I have 2 sub adults that are housed together. When housing together its important to figure out if you have the space and resources to separate them if necessary. Generally tegus won't attack each other. As juvies, I think it is less likely. The main reason tegus lose toes is due to improper housing conditions, low humidity. Tail loss can be due to improper housing and it could be from the owners tugging on the tails. One of my tegus, Rango, only has 2 of his front toes. His previous owner didn't monitor the humidity close enough and he lost almost all of his toes. It's a shame, hes a gorgeous little guy but because of his missing toes his monetary value decreases as well as peoples interest in having him as a pet.
If you are that concerned about the appearance of your tegu it is probably best if you keep them separate just in case. I think the likelihood is very slim but there is always a possibility. You can let them roam together if you would like. As babies its usually easier to let them roam in the tub since its a more confined area. I think more often than not, tegus will show signs of aggression or irritation. It could vary between tail rattling, puffing/huffing, jowl popping (if male), etc. I don't think tegus are the kind of animal to just attack out of the blue.


New Member
I'll play it safe, keeping them separate I got a little kid pool for them to roam about. Big enough so I can sit in there too, bonding time :)

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