casey15 said:I'm looking to find an 8x4x4 reptile enclosure for sale. Does anyone have one in Illinois that they have for sale? I've found some listed but all are in different states and would cost hundreds to transport, I'm 17 and am paying for everything myself.
jbeltran said:Hey I live in lake county is that close to you to build me a cage. I actually want a tegu cage on the bottom obviously because of the length but then I want a snake cage to the right top side of it .I have a ball python . But on the left top side of the tegus cage I want a Asian water dragon just one . But i would like it to be a wall unit . Do u have any ideas for that ? Or can u even do it .
nessanicolle said:I am too, I'm in geneva.
Dubya said:If you wait till after the 2012 election, you can have the one that Obama has been keeping Joe Biden in. I think it is escape proof because I haven't seen Biden anywhere lately.