I know I'm probably going to get biased answers on here, but that's ok with me! I have narrowed it down to these two. Because I heard they make great pets and are very friendly! So here is the info that I can provide about me-
I have owned a lot of reptiles before, so I'm experienced.
The largest cage I can provide is around 6 feet long( maybe a couple inches longer), 2-3 foot wide cage. But the lizard will get taken out of their cage daily.
I am aware of the diet needs of both animals, but I'm not sure how much a tegu eats. Do they have an endless appetite like a bearded dragon? Are the portions of their meals large ( for baby and adult)
How much more expensive are tegus to keep than to keep a bearded dragon?
Thank you guys very much!
I have owned a lot of reptiles before, so I'm experienced.
The largest cage I can provide is around 6 feet long( maybe a couple inches longer), 2-3 foot wide cage. But the lizard will get taken out of their cage daily.
I am aware of the diet needs of both animals, but I'm not sure how much a tegu eats. Do they have an endless appetite like a bearded dragon? Are the portions of their meals large ( for baby and adult)
How much more expensive are tegus to keep than to keep a bearded dragon?
Thank you guys very much!