I got this tegu pretty recently but I have to let her go. I am doing this because I feel that I have bitten off more than I could chew so to speak. I was told that she was a year and a half old and she appears to be around 2 feet. I was also told that she had been handled daily and was very tame. This was not the case. I later found out that the breeder I purchased her from was famous for selling imports! She is not tame; however, she is also not really aggressive. She is more scared of me than anything but she has charged at me once. I hate to sell her because I feel that I am taking a coward's way out. But she was my first large reptile purchase and I feel that I really should have started with a baby. So, I'd really like to trade her for perhaps a baby red, blue, a b/w, or maybe a monitor of sorts(must be a baby). I could sell her but I'd prefer it to be local(The Atlanta or south of Atlanta area) unless someone can walk me through the process of shipping a live animal. I can post or send pictures upon request. She looks very healthy. Has all her toes, toenails included, and all of her tail