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B/W Argentine for Trade or Sale

Taylor B

New Member
I got this tegu pretty recently but I have to let her go. I am doing this because I feel that I have bitten off more than I could chew so to speak. I was told that she was a year and a half old and she appears to be around 2 feet. I was also told that she had been handled daily and was very tame. This was not the case. I later found out that the breeder I purchased her from was famous for selling imports! She is not tame; however, she is also not really aggressive. She is more scared of me than anything but she has charged at me once. I hate to sell her because I feel that I am taking a coward's way out. But she was my first large reptile purchase and I feel that I really should have started with a baby. So, I'd really like to trade her for perhaps a baby red, blue, a b/w, or maybe a monitor of sorts(must be a baby). I could sell her but I'd prefer it to be local(The Atlanta or south of Atlanta area) unless someone can walk me through the process of shipping a live animal. I can post or send pictures upon request. She looks very healthy. Has all her toes, toenails included, and all of her tail


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Hi Taylor,
Sorry to hear you've decided to part with your girl. You are not taking the coward's way out. You're doing what is best for you and the animal. That's something to be proud of, not ashamed of. I commend you for knowing your limits and trying to make a positive for the animal you obviously care about. I hope you are able to find a great forever home for her near you.

Taylor B

New Member
Hi Taylor,
Sorry to hear you've decided to part with your girl. You are not taking the coward's way out. You're doing what is best for you and the animal. That's something to be proud of, not ashamed of. I commend you for knowing your limits and trying to make a positive for the animal you obviously care about. I hope you are able to find a great forever home for her near you.
For some reason she's taken a liking to one of my friends. She still huffs, but she allows him to pick her up for a few moments. I'm going to see if he would like to give her a new home and I myself will most likely purchase a baby red, or purple, in the future.

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