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Baby Blue



So guys I just got my baby blue from a local breeder here in St. Louis and before anybody asks questions about him or anything he is a great guy so there is no need to question his knowledge.
But first just a couple of questions I would really like answered since most people on here know everything there is to know. First off I got the runt of the litter because he was half the price and I am a college kid so money isn't easy to come up with.

The first question is since he is the runt will he be a runt his whole life or will he eventually catch up with the others. Right now he is about 5 1/2 inches and the rest were about 7-8. He is a eating machine so I'm not worried about that.

The second question is can somebody please explain the Tegu hibernating process I am kind of confused on this. I don't know if babies do it or not or how to tell if they are doing it.

Also with him being the runt he is very scared if I get even close to his cage he runs and hides in his cave just wondering if that will eventually go away or will always stay like that since he is so small.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully you Tegu smart guys can help me lol.


well im not very good at explaning the hibernation process.or on runts....hopefully bobby gets on.=/ but for the scared thing,no he wont always do it.if u give him attention everyday and show him your not a threat he will eventually warm up to you.there are a few posts on taming u can look at.


From what I`ve seen in breeding mink chickens dogs goats rabbits pigs on and on is that runts are always runts and often have health problems .. I does make me wonder why you would be asking here [Tho you are very welcome too and are appreciated here] if the breeder is such a great guy ..Personally I would of culled any that were not normal ...


The only reason I bought the runt was because it was a very good price and i mean hes just a tad smaller he eats and everything just fine


I really do wish you the best of luck and hope your tegu turns out to be a wonderful pet .. Blues are beautiful and he should be also ... I raised up to ten thousand mink a year and being a breeder I question when other breeders sell lesser animals ... If he thought that tegu was equal to the others he would of charged you full price ...


I figured you would say something like that. He just had to blues and they ended up having eggs he only sold me it this cheap because I lived in the same area and he didnt feel like shipping hes not a full time breeder it was just a mistake so he just wanted to get a little in his pocket.


It won't always run away. It's really small and you're really big, it probably thinks you want to eat it. Give it some time, spend a decent amount of time around the tank and inside changing water, spot cleaning, whatever else you can do in there. The tegu will start to see that you don't want to eat it.

I'm still pretty new with tegus but all reptiles grow at different rates, some start off larger some smaller, some end up on the larger side some on the smaller. Just because its the smaller than average now doesn't guarantee it will be little forever.

I haven't had to deal with hibernation yet but hopefully others can give you more input. Good luck and congrats on your tegu!


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My blue was a runt and he is not almost 4 feet, so he is large for a runt. Runts do not always turn out to be the smallest their whole lives. Its something bout me and runts, my dog was the smalles pup of his litter and now ten years later is the biggest and healthest of all the dogs. A litter of kittens were found at my work, i was stuck taking the runt home to make she was healthy and she is the same size as her brothers again no health problem. Just keep up with the feeding and hopefully he'll beat the odds.

Hibernation with blues is tricky, sometimes they do and sometimes they burmate which is just slowing down.Your tegu will dictate what it is going to do.

As for him being skittish that will just take time. The need to adjust to a new place and a new person.

Hey dont feel bad bout getting the runt, just the money u saved will be going right back into the cagings, lighting and feeding. Good LucK!

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